

工具鋼是一種具有機械性能的鋼,使其成為理想的工具材料。鉬、鈷和釩以增加金屬的耐熱性和耐用性。 這也使它們成為切割和鑽孔的理想選擇。

有許多合金和碳鋼,通常由熱處理和淬火產品製成,適合用作工具鋼。 工具鋼有許多不同的牌號,用於製造沖壓模具、建築設備和軸等工具。 除了製造工具外,它還用於需要具有工具鋼機械性能的材料的其他應用。

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1. Water hardening:

Named for the basic characteristic that water quenching is necessary. This grade of tool steel is essentially ordinary high carbon steel. It is widely used due to its low cost.

2. Cold working category:

It is composed of three tool steels: oil hardening, air hardening and high carbon chromium. Steels in this group have high hardenability and wear resistance, and average toughness. They are typically used to produce larger parts, or parts that require minimal deformation when hardened. Both oil quenching and air hardening reduce the distortion, higher stresses caused by rapid water quenching, so they are less likely to crack. Cold-worked grade D-grade tool steels may contain about 10% to 13% chromium. This type of tool steel retains its hardness at high temperatures, up to 425°C/797°F. The most typical applications of this tool steel are forging dies, die-casting modules and mold making.

3. Impact resistance:

This grade of tool steel has high impact resistance and good hardenability. It is designed to resist low temperature and high temperature shocks. It also has high impact toughness and relatively low wear resistance.

4. High speed:

T-type and M-type tool steels are used for cutting tools when strength and hardness must be maintained at high temperatures.

5. Thermal processing:

Group H tool steels are specially developed to maintain strength and hardness after prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

6. Plastic molds and special-purpose categories:

P-Code (plastic mold steel), designed to meet the needs of zinc die castings and the special requirements of plastic injection molds; L-Code, low-alloy special tool steel; F-Code, water hardening/more resistant than W-type tool steel grind.



